
If then formula in excel
If then formula in excel

If you forget, then the symbols you type will become literal symbols. Don’t forget to place an equal symbol () at the beginning of your formula writing. The IF function says if the value of cell B2 equals to 60 then leave the cell blank else multiply the cell C4 with D3 and add 5 to it. Therefore, master the excel formulas symbols by learning them from the list in this tutorial Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links from which. The IF function says if the value of cell B2 is less than 50 or equal to 50 then increase it by 20% else display the same value without any change. The IF function can also be composed in this way: =IF(B2>5,2*B2,4*B2) The IF function says if value in Cell B2 is greater than 5 then multiply this value with 2 else multiply this value with 4. And if it is less than 5 then keep the incentive, the value of cell E4 same. It says if the value in cell C4 is greater than 5 then add 50 to E4 which is incentive of Peter. The modified IF function is: =if(C4>5,50+E4,E4) Here’s how you might use the IF statement in a spreadsheet. If we used this: IF( 2 + 2 5,'It’s true', 'It’s false') Now Excel will return It’s false, because 2 + 2 does not equal 5. In this case, we can insert one more column in the worksheet for job months and modify the IF function accordingly to get the results. Since 2 + 2 does in fact equal 4, Excel will return It’s true. Suppose in the above example the company wants to pay rupees 50 along with incentive to those employees who have completed probation period of 5 months or their job duration is more than 5 months. The IF function can be modified to perform different calculations: Each IF function is enclosed in its own set of. Then, we begin the formula that Excel will use to produce the results. Heres the classic Excel nested IF formula in a generic form: IF ( condition1, result1, IF ( condition2, result2, IF ( condition3, result3, result4 ))) You can see that each subsequent IF function is embedded into the valueiffalse argument of the previous function. If it is less than 5 then multiply it with 20. This lets Excel know that it is an IF function. At the same time 'else' means E37.5 as well, in this case second formula shall return 30. With that if E315 first formula returns 40, else 50. So the IF function says if value in cell C4 is greater than 5 then multiply it with 40. These two formulas are conflicting in logic if to combine them.

if then formula in excel

The IF function will look like this: = if(C4>5,40*C4,20*C4)

  • Then close the bracket and press the Enter key.
  • Type what you want to show if the condition is not fulfilled: 20*C4.
  • The IF function determines whether a statement is true or.
  • Type what you want to show if condition is fulfilled: 40*C4 Excels IF function intimidates a lot of people, but its really not that conceptually difficult.
  • if then formula in excel

    Select the cell in which you want to create the "IF function".

    if then formula in excel

    See how the "IF function" is used with the calculation: If a sales executive sells more than 5 items, the company will pay incentive 40 rupees per item sold and if the sales executive sells less than 5 items, the company will pay 20 rupees per item sold. "IF function" can be used in complex calculations. Next → ← prev Excel If Function with Calculations

    If then formula in excel